Current Topic: Building a new garden and tool shed with an attached leanto for hay storage at the back of the property near the sawmill.
We Need A Garden/Hay Shed Closer To The House.
Finally... A useful shed for me! There is an original Tin shed about halfway between the sawmill and the main house. It is tiny, short and generally unusable. It is also built on a concrete slab that is below grade. Aside from all its usability problems moisture seeps in, condenses in the hot weather, and actually causes rain on the inside of the shed. Yeah! It's a total fail.
Normally I would have taken great pleasure in crushing and destroying the shed but my neighbor had an open cistern (big deep well) that needed covering (for safety). Not wanting to spoil a good recycling effort we gladly removed and delivered said shed. We even placed it over the cistern. And it actually looked good.
I say good riddence.
We had one last cache of rough cut lumber from the mill we were saving for another project. This shed however represented enough multiple benefits that we decided to go ahead with this instead.
We needed a shed closer to the main house. We needed a shed closer to the sawmill. We needed Winter hay storage at the back of the property. And this shed serves all those needs.
Most of the structural lumber we were already saving was for this project. The flooring, siding and sub-roof had to come from another project we were sad to delay. Oh well! Cost/Benefit Analysis A.K.A. common sense has to prevail. We had the time and materials on hand to complete this shed and we needed it.
This shed is ten feet wide by eighteen feet long. It is split into two portions. There is an eight by ten foot completely sealed (by farm standards) division and an open end ten by ten by ten (plus) leanto hay storage section.
The shed is also adjacent to the round corral which we use for starting and training of young horses and sometimes breeding. The storage area thus applies to tools for the sawmill, gardening supplies and a small amount of tack for the corral. And over a thousand cubic feet of hay. Maybe two to three tons.
Wow! This shed turned out awesome. And it was constructed entirely from lumber we sawed on our mill. Neglecting the few screws and nails we needed to build this shed it was constructed with materials we had laying around. I think it was a grand use of resources.